Meet us in Dubai for the 20th edition of Intersec. MCDI staff will be touring the show and meeting customers for private meetings. Contact us at or through Facebook Page

While in Dubai, you can reach our GM Eric Methot until Jan 23rd  at +971 58 175 6977


Join us during SICUREZZA in Milano Italia. We will be with Voyager SRL Pav. 7 stand L21-M28
Come see the first look of new MCB2, the Track and Dispatch tool for your staff.  Live demo of SECURITHOR v2 including new integration with TVT cameras and DVRs. SECURITHOR v2 is now fully translated in Italiano!



¡Ven y conócenos en la CDMX! Tensi Saravia, de MCDI, ofrecerá un seminario de dos días sobre SECURITHOR.
Como Gerente de una Central de Monitoreo, puede mostrarte cómo una Central de Monitoreo puede beneficiarse de SECURITHOR y sus módulos de vanguardia como Botón de Pánico para teléfonos celulares, MCB; para rastreo o despacho de su Personal o Acceso Web para sus Instaladores de sistemas de alarma.

Únete a Tensi Oct 19-20 2017 en Syscom – Distribución Global Succursale Norte en CDMX. Los asistentes recibirán descuentos especiales en los módulos SECURITHOR.
Regístrese con Syscom – Distribución Global en:


Meet us in CDMX! MCDI’s own Tensi Saravia will give a 2 days seminar on SECURITHOR.
As a fellow Central Station Manager she can show you how your Central Station can benefit from SECURITHOR and its advanced modules like APS: Panic Button for Phones, MCB: Staff tracking and Dispatch or WAM: Web Access for Alarm System Installers.

Join Tensi Oct 19-20 2017 at Syscom – Distribución Global Succursale Norte in CDMX. Attendees receive special discounts on SECURITHOR modules.
Register with Syscom – Distribución Global at:

Update 2.1.5 is now available for new installations.

.2.1.5 contains several improvements to make it faster.

.The STM module was completely reworked to add much more metrics and analytics.

.New features in the MCB Module are added


Contact MCDI to get this important update.
Updates are available if you are under the original support period of your Securithor or if you hold an additional support plan for your Securithor

Self monitoring is not a new thing.  In fact the idea comes around and goes away periodically always for the same reasons. People think they can receive their own alarm signals in their iPhone to save a few dollars per month. But it does not work.

Even if iPhones now make it easier, the pitfalls are always the same: lack of availability and dedication of the person who is monitoring.

Here’s a collection of reason to explain to your customers why they need to connect to a CMS Central Monitoring Station instead of taking chances on their iphones.

.A Central Monitoring Station is never in a meeting not able to take the call.

.A Central Monitoring Station is not driving. And you should really keep your eyes on the road.

.A Central Monitoring Station is never in a low coverage spot or in a tunnel.

.A Central Monitoring Station arms are never full of shopping bags.

.A Central Monitoring Station does no put it’s receivers on silent mode at night

.A Central Monitoring Station checks its equipment periodically.

.The Central Monitoring Station child never takes its phone to play Angry birds

.A Central Monitoring Station batteries are never empty.

.A Central Monitoring Station always hears the ring because an Alarm Receiver is never in the pocket of a winter coat

.A Central Monitoring Station never set the phone to silent during a movie.

Send us your reasons. We will update the post with the best reasons!

Too busy to answer the call. Alarm goes unnoticed.

Too busy to answer the call. Alarm goes unnoticed.

Self Monitoring did not work because he was too busy to take the call.

Self Monitoring did not work because he was too busy to take the call.

Since September 2015 we are distributed in India by our friends and exclusive partners at Shivamy Tradexim

A quote by one of your countryman Ratan Tata comes to mind:
If you want to walk fast, walk alone.
If you want to walk far, walk together.

Special thanks to Jenish Kantaria, Dilip Shrivastav and Chintan Darji for your commitment. We hope to see you in December 2016 for Delhi’s IFSEC show!

SHIVAMY TRADEXIM and MCDI during Mumba 2016 show

SHIVAMY TRADEXIM with MCDI, ELDES and PAXTON at Mumbai show 2016

Ganesh Sthapana at Shivamy Tradexim office

Ganesh Sthapana at Shivamy Tradexim office

Shivamy Tradexim Family

Shivamy Tradexim Family